(New stuff - JFK assassination summary -
2/25/22, 10/15/23)
Books and
Stuff by Dave
(Free sci-fi PDFs, Videos)
The Last Free Man
Dave, how big
is the universe?
The Mystery of Rolla Ray Hannah
The Goal
The Rock Legend - XOX
(New entry - 10/01/24)
An incredible TV
show idea
How to set up your
band to make records
Dave's Oak Island Theory
(New entry - 2/15/25)
Dave for President
(New State of the Union - 2/17/25)
A plan for gun control in the land
of guns
An open letter to the
Islamic Republic of Iran
coronavirus information
The most important
subject of our time
Biden has got to go
Dave's Daily Blog
Israel: A Failed State
The Mystery of
David Conklin
A brief word regarding bibliotecapleyades.net